Monday, March 16, 2009

Thing #12

The morning half of my weekly calendar looks about this bad too. If I had a cell phone with Internet access this would be more practical. I do, however, like this Google feature. I keep a mega-super Mom calendar on my fridge, complete with stickers, and that's where everything goes. Unfortunately, I can't count the number of times I wrote something down on paper, had good intentions of taking it home and writing it on my handy-dandy calendar, and then washed that important bit of info along with the rest of the laundry. If I could access this from anywhere, I would definitely use it. Clearly, this is perfect for things like classroom management, parent contacts, appointments, etc.

The absolute coolest thing I've discovered in this class has to be the Google Book Search. Granted, I prefer book in hand, but I found some hard-to-find books using this tool. B.H. Carroll is my favorite Biblical commentator. He lived in the 1800's and books containing his sermons and teachings are hard to come by. When you are fortunate enough to find his works, you pay a pretty penny for them. I was surprised to find several full text versions of some of his writings using this tool. I also searched for my fav-o-rite political cartoonist of all time, Berkley Breathed. I was disappointed to find that even when it said you could preview his work, it was purposely obscured in order to protect the copyright. Crapola.

I played with Google maps some too, but I wasn't as excited about it as I was the above two things.

Good stuff! Lots of good Google stuff! I really liked this one.

1 comment:

  1. Well I am really glad I looked at your blog today. I was having problems linking my google calendar and then I saw you picture so I think I will try that. I will give you credit for the idea :-) Thanks!!!
